Mentoring Session(s) with Ida Sophia

from $95.00

1:1 mentoring on a broad range of subjects, with follow up email check in’s, post mentoring session notes straight to your inbox (so you don’t have to worry about writing anything down), sharing of resources, strategies and tools.

Mentoring subjects include (but not limited to):

  1. Application writing (planning, editing and submitting)

  2. Studio: re-energising practice, conceptual research, project planning, material exploration, critique

  3. Art/Life Financials: Strategies for management, multiple income streams, future planning

  4. Support: General listening and support for the time you’re in, reaffirming goals and confidence.

Meeting on Zoom with you, wherever in the world you are.

Booking in different time zones is made easy through my Calendly calendar.

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Artist Testimonials

“I wish every artist had the opportunity to engage in mentorship with Ida Sophia. When I first met Ida she was a guest lecturer with the World of Co Artist Residency I was a part of, and she taught us about performance and participatory art. I remember waking up at 4AM in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to attend a lecture she was giving virtually over zoom from her home in Australia. I had thought about skipping these early meets but after the first session with Ida I made it a point to wake up before dawn each time she was leading a discussion. Ida teaches and mentors with such a depth of knowledge, support, grace, and encouragement that would ground me for months after just one hour together. I have many tools in the form of exercises, readings, and mantras that I return to time and again for support thanks to my mentorship opportunity with Ida. I cannot recommend her enough. She is pure gold.”

Margaret Thompson, Artist (USA)

“Ida’s mentorship continues to be a deeply enriching exchange, that offers a safe space to discuss, share, dream and wonder.   Sessions with Ida are thorough, considered and perfectly tailored to honour the artist, the practice and the human- making for a broadly developed engagement that covers so much beyond just the art…

The mentor sessions have become a keystone to my work, which I couldn’t recommend highly enough.  With the thoughtful guidance of Ida, I continue to expanded my creative processes, conceptual refinement, management skills and self care- all so essential to the longevity of ones practice! “

Bridie Hooper, Artist (Australia)